What We’re Reading this National Book Day
Committed as we are to the zero-waste lifestyle, we’re always looking for new ways in which we can live mindfully, sustainably and in balance with our natural world. This World Book Day, we’re recommending ten of our favourite reads, stocked either in store or at our neighbouring shop, Westbourne Bookshop, that have impacted us, enlightened us and educated us.

1. Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson
Zero Waste Home is an incredible guide for anyone looking to reduce their waste - and it's the book that started Eleanor on her journey to open Almond & Co. Bea Johnson, a zero waste expert, shares her journey towards a zero waste lifestyle and provides practical tips on how to live a waste-free life.
2. Wilding by Isabella Tree
This book is beloved by not one, but two of our staff members. Chosen for feature by both Eleanor and Emma, Wilding tells the story of a groundbreaking rewilding program in West Sussex. Part memoir, part nature book, this is an astonishing account of the beauty of nature.
3. Gut Health: Nourish to Flourish
Written by local business woman Louise Jones, this cookbook is perfect for anyone looking to nurture their gut while still enjoying delicious meals. Over 85 gut loving, easy to make delicious recipes, along with top tips and ways to 'pimp your dish' so the whole family can enjoy the same meal.
4. Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too by Beth Terry
Plastic-Free is an inspiring book that shows how one person can make a big difference. Beth Terry shares her journey towards living a plastic-free life and provides practical tips on how to reduce plastic use in our daily lives.
5. Drawdown by Paul Hawken
In Drawdown, Paul Hawken presents a comprehensive plan for reversing global warming through practical solutions and technologies.
6. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things by William McDonough and Michael Braungart
In this groundbreaking book, McDonough and Braungart propose a new approach to manufacturing that eliminates waste and pollution.
7. The Zero Waste Lifestyle: Live Well by Throwing Away Less by Amy Korst
This book is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to reduce their waste in all areas of their life. It provides practical tips on how to reduce waste in the home, at work, and while traveling.
8. ECOrenaissance by Marci Zaroff
ECOrenaissance provides inspiring tips and tricks for how to live and shop in harmony with nature without sacrificing style or luxury, and how best to benefit from the current renaissance—a global rebirth of sustainable economics, progressive ethics, and green culture—through the wisdom of eco-entrepreneurs, green fashion designers, organic food purveyors, and innovative leaders of this new movement.
9. How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Chek
Recommended by Anis, Chek helps readers to understand the unique way in which their body responds to food, exercise and stress, and to create a catered eating and exercise plan that works for you. No more fad diets and Tiktok exercise regimes!
10. Jessie the Jellyfish by Laurie Newman
This beautiful children’s book tells the tale of Jessie, a lonely jellyfish who befriends a plastic bag. Can the sea be cleaned up in time so that Jessie’s jellyfish friends can return and live freely? Laurie Newman finds a way to beautifully and compassionately pass on to the next generation a warning about pollution in our oceans, and our responsibility to protect our environment.

These books are an excellent starting point for anyone interested in the zero waste lifestyle. They provide practical tips and inspiration to help us reduce our impact on the environment.
We hope you enjoy reading them!