Brand of the Week: Fieldfare Frozen Foods - and the benefits of frozen food!

A key part of Almond & Co is sourcing and stocking amazing, delicious, ethical and sustainable brands and their products. We thought we’d celebrate these amazing company with a weekly blog post to tell you, our lovely customers, all about them.
Fieldfare are a family-run business, founded in the beautiful Kent countryside over forty years ago. Their team carefully select ethically-sourced fruit, veg, pastries and ‘meal makers’ (including chips, veggie burgers and hash browns) from a range of carefully selected suppliers. They work only with sources who are as committed to bringing only fresh and nutrient-rich foods of the highest quality to your dinner table as they are.
Fieldfare are passionate about reducing food waste in the retail sector, while maintaining a pledge to sell only the freshest, tastiest food. They are also committed to protecting the planet with their zero-packaging policy. They deliver their frozen goods to us, the stockist, in bulk, to be sold loose.

Unpackaged Frozen Food? How does that work?
Buying unpackaged frozen food follows just the same method as any of any of our loose products. Simply bring your own container, purchase one in store or grab a paper bag (we have waxed paper bags or compostable cornflour bags). Weigh your container before use, fill it up, and pop it back on the scales to weigh the contents.
It’s as simply as that!

Why Buy Frozen?
Did you know that frozen fruit and veg is generally more nutritious than fresh fruit and veg. This is because, while fresh fruit and veg is generally picked before it is fully ripened, and therefore before it has reached its peak level of nutrients and vitamins, fruit and veg intended to be frozen before sale is picked when it is at its ripest, and therefore when it is richest in nutrients. It is then immediately frozen, before fruit and veg has a chance to deteriorate in quality or freshness. By comparison, even the best fruit and veg will lose some of its nutritional value during its journey from the field, to your dinner plate.
Additionally, while fresh fruit and veg will be constantly deteriorating in nutritional value and freshness, no matter how it is stored, frozen food can be stored in the freezer for up to a year before those vital nutrients begin to break down.
Frozen food also helps to reduce the amount of food that goes to waste. Fresh fruit and veg contributes to 50% of all food waste due to its short shelf-life. And so, while we are huge advocates in eating organic, delicious fruit and veg in all forms - fresh, frozen or dried, to name but a few, it has to be said that there are huge benefits in opting for frozen fruit and veg. Both your body and the planet will thank you!